

Being open about our work is vital if our ideas are to take hold for others to replicate them and benefit society. If we can shorten the time it takes a good idea to spread, by living out loud, then the results will speak for themselves.

It is important, as the organisation is geographically dispersed, to have open communication channels. Whilst we do not wish to have a lengthy and time consuming reporting ordeal, we do need to be able to access information and people need to be generally accountable for contractual agreements, both internally and the broader external audience.
To ensure that the lines of communication are as good as possible, we expect:

  • Regular blogging and vlogging
  • Sharing knowledge freely with partners and stakeholders in open formats

Even though, as a private foundation, we are not legally bound to disclose our accounting information, successes and failures; since 2004, we have been demonstrating our commitment to speak openly about what we have done, our contribution to change, and exactly how much that costs.

To see any of our accounts, please visit the Financials pages.