
Being a Shuttleworth Fellow

by Jonas Öberg. Average Reading Time: less than a minute.

One of the advantages of being a Fellow of the Shuttleworth Foundation is that they encourage you to be open. To be open about your ideas, so that others can complement, criticize, add to, change, revise, and challenge them. As a former teacher, I know that the only time when ones own knowledge advances is when faced with opposing views. When someone hears you talk about your work and then go “but what if..” or “i don’t think so..”

Suddenly, you’re faced with a cognitive conflict that needs to be resolved, and through resolving that cognitive conflict you change your understanding of the topic and advance in your thinking.

Today’s thumbs up go to David Wiley (@opencontent) whose innocent remark some days ago, “Stupid question, but..” sent my mind on a tour from which it returned today with a fresh bunch of new ideas that will give material for blog posts to come.

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