Spring has sprung in PR land

Once again, we have to thank our amazing fellows for being available to be interviewed at a moment's notice. Andrew and Steve S, you guys rocked your interview with Duncan McLeod from Financial Mail! We saw the headline "Ivy slammed for 'irresponsible act'" all over the news and it was one of Duncan's most read stories. We're also really proud of the wonderful relationship we have with FM and Duncan who acted very quickly when Ivy's appeal broke across the news wires.

Some highlights during September:
Steve V's Games and Learning Indabas received a lot of attention in the media. We had outcomes in Techno Times (full page), IOL and a HUGE exclusive feature in Business Day (print and online). Sue Blaine, the education writer for Business Day interviewed Steve V, Prof Alan Amory and Danny Day and she gave us incredibly positive feedback on all fronts. The coverage was brilliant.

Shuttleworth Foundation was one of the first organisations to comment on Ivy's VANs licensing appeal. By the time the Emerging Media PR team arrived at the airport, Duncan had interviewed and published our fellows' comments. According to him, the responses kept him in the office till very late that Friday night. We received Financial Mail 26 September coverage on page 14.

On a sadder note, we wave goodbye to Mark Surman and wish him the very best as Executive Director at Mozilla. He's not lost forever though - we will stay in touch. I don't think Mark could resist a visit to Cape Town or another Open Everything conversation somewhere in the future ;-)

Cool things in October -- Mark Horner has notified the PR team that Siyavula will be exhibiting at Scifest 2009 in Grahamstown and we're also working with the Texans at Connexions. Dang, they're an interesting crowd!

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