
Community Needs Survey

by Aaron. Average Reading Time: about a minute.

My name is Aaron Makaruk, and I am working full time as an on-contingency Resource Developer for Open Source Ecology. We are busy raising money, building technology across the country, and laying the foundation for the open source economy. As our organizational development and recruiting strategy shifts into high gear, we want you to give us feedback on how to do it better.

The link takes you to a survey – Community Needs Assessment. This is a good chance to provide input on what you want to see from OSE to make the project better, and what you can offer to make that happen.

Check back soon for a followup on what we learned from the survey in the Survey Results. The survey results are transparent, so feel free to skip any questions you don’t want to answer. 

If you fill in your city/state/country in the survey and put a 1 in the following question, your location will show up on this map. The best way to view the survey results is to use the ‘File’ menu to download the spreadsheet as a PDF. We will report back with a summary report next week.

Update – 03/03/12: we published a report that includes all of the community responses and our analysis of the major indications from the feedback. This is the easiest way to view the survey responses. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to fill out the survey – this is a good source of information about who else is interested in your local community.

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