
Ereaders for Christmas? My recommendations

by Arthur Attwell. Average Reading Time: less than a minute.


Ebook reading goes mainstream when a country has its first Ereader Christmas: that day when half the folk at your family gathering got ereaders for presents. The evidence will be loose and anecdotal, but I reckon this month we’ll see South Africa’s Ereader Christmas. I’m already being asked regularly by friends not whether they should get an ereader for their partner or parent, but which one to get.

I’m unashamedly an Amazon Kindle fan. Not of the device, the tech, or even the generally great prices, but because the customer service is in a league so far above anything else that buying anything else right now is just masochistic. Moreover, there are free Kindle apps for all your other devices, too (phone, PC, tablet), and they’re as nice or nicer to use than their competitors’ software. The Kindle is absolutely the way to go.

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