
Mesh Potatoes now FCC and CE Approved

by Steve. Average Reading Time: about a minute.

The process of developing Village Telco and in particular the Mesh Potato has been a huge learning curve and indeed this is what makes it so worthwhile (dare I say fun) is the variety of skills and knowledge that one has to acquire to become a small scale manufacturer. However, the very nature of learning implies sometimes making mistakes and the occasionally painful experience of acquiring knowledge after you needed it as opposed to before.

One of the early mistakes we made with the Mesh Potato was not placing sufficient emphasis early on, on getting type approval for the Mesh Potato and indeed focusing on both European and U.S. type approval.  What is type approval you ask?  Type approval is the magic glue that makes unlicensed spectrum work.  Many people take the term unlicensed to mean unregulated but nothing could be further from the the truth.  Unlicensed spectrum succeeds because the devices that are permitted to use unlicensed spectrum are carefully regulated to ensure that they conform to strict standards in terms of power output and many other technical specifications that ensure that unlicensed devices “play nicely” with each other.

I am happy to say that this issued has finally been addressed in full and Mesh Potatoes now enjoy full compliance with both the standards of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States and the European Union’s CE standard.  These are the two most common international standards for compliance and should ensure that the Mesh Potato can conform to almost any regulatory regime.

If you would like to get copies of the certification in order to apply for local type approval in your country, please get in contact with us via this website.


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