I love “This American Life”

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Blogger : Sam Christie Sat, 07/06/2008 - 18:16

(Image courtesy of The Brick Testament

OK - Perhaps in the first world these things are passe, but out here in South African where decent radio is hard to come by and commutes can be quite lengthy, I am really enjoying listening to this refreshing show. It is about the the only thing that keeps me from road rage on the M5 interchange. I also like that I picked it up on the advice of Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools.

Steve Vosloo and I were talking about the show and he mentioned that there was an associated site Radio Diaries with a lot of background and useful information on interviewing techniques. I am sure this information would be useful for teachers. While checking out the stories section - I came across a resource that would be wonderful to use in South African schools. MANDELA: An Audio History. I have not listened to it yet, but will as I am finally reading Nelson Mandela’s autobiography A Long Walk To Freedom. The thought I can’t keep out of my mind is that there must be thousands of terrific resources that just need a usage guide. For now though, I will just keep posting resources I think are good to the site.

(Image courtesy of The Brick Testament)

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