Frequently Asked Questions - Telecommunications

Telecommunications Action Group.

We believe consumer activism has a big role to play in the de-regulation of the telecommunication industry in South Africa. We made a donation to TAG so that they could continue their campaign and raise consumer awareness of the issue.

None whatsoever. We made a donation, and as part of the terms of that donation all we require is a breakdown of what they spent the money on.

We felt that TAG did a really good job of combining their niche online activities with mainstream media. Some of the other online forums are just that, places for frustrated consumers to vent.

TAG took that further by exposing the issue to a broader audience in the form of an advert in the Mail & Guardian. We wanted to support the initiative they took, and allow them to produce more exciting campaigns.

Our donation was for covering operational costs. If TAG has another pledge drive for a specific campaign, then we would pledge separately, regardless of our donation.

Not through this project. We will connect the schools and then provide content via servers on the network. Providing an uplink to the Internet is too costly and largely unsustainable at this stage.

Mostly Maths and Science content. There will also be a focus on training the teachers on how to use the resource effectively.

We're using normal, over the counter wireless networking equipment.

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