
Shuttleworth Fellowship

by Rufus Pollock. Average Reading Time: about a minute.

This month, I’m starting a year long Shuttleworth Foundation Fellowship. Thanks to Shuttleworth Foundation’s support I’ll be able to dedicate myself full-time to open knowledge and the Open Knowledge Foundation.

I’ll be working to promote open knowledge and open data around the world — open knowledge being any kind of content or data from sonnets to
statistics, genes to geodata, that can be freely used, reused and redistributed.

Specifically I’ll be:

  • Promoting open knowledge in different domains such as the governmental,
    scientific, economic and bibliographic. This will involve working to
    develop communities of advocates and practitioners – organising
    regular meetings, bringing people together for events, working
    on standards and consensus building. Initiating and sustaining
    independent and active communities, using, and
    promoting open data in different fields is key to advancing open
    knowledge around the world.

  • Helping to grow the open data ecosystem, for example by adapting the
    tools and methodologies of the free/open source software community for
    use with open data. For example, I’ll be working heavily to develop
    CKAN, an open source registry for datasets. CKAN, which I helped
    initiate as an Open Knowledge Foundation project, is being used by the
    UK in its official data catalogue, data.gov.uk, and already has
    community instances in many other countries around the world –
    including Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy,
    New Zealand, and Norway. There’s lot of interesting work both to
    extend CKAN and to improve associated tools like datapkg which enable
    “data developers” to automate working with datasets.

  • Working on specific projects that exemplify the open knowledge
    development process from end to end – going from opening up the raw
    data, to cleaning and aggregation, to re-exporting for reuse or
    integration into end user applications that explore, analyze and
    present the data. For example, Where Does My Money Go?, a project to
    allow users to explore and visually represent UK public spending, and
    Open Biblio, which will be bringing together a substantial of open bibliographic data as well as tools for its use and reuse.

read original post on Rufus Pollock's Site