
Talk at LIFT 2012

by Rufus Pollock. Average Reading Time: less than a minute.

This week I’m at LIFT 2012 to give a talk on Open Data — and also to meet with the great bunch of Swisss Open Data folks!

Update 2012-02-24: Slides up

Open Data: How We Got Here and Where We’re Going


Over the past few years, there has an explosive growth in open data
with significant uptake in government, research and elsewhere. Open
data has the potential to transform society, government and the
economy, from how we travel to work to how we decide to vote. But we
have only just begun down this road, and the going, even so far, has
not always been easy.

This talk will introduce the idea of open data, explain how, and why,
we are where we are today, and, finally, look to the future of the
rapidly evolving open data ecoystem.

read original post on Rufus Pollock's Site