Theory of Change

Our ultimate aim is to create an open knowledge society, both in South Africa and around the world. This is a society where people have real opportunities to learn, to invent and to innovate. They need to see the world around them as one of possibilities, as something they can shape.

While we don't exactly know how to get there, we do have a hunch. We believe that open and effective education combined with access to knowledge, connectivity and resources are a big part of the picture. We also believe that an open, participatory culture of innovation is essential.

With the goal of making this hunch explicit, the Foundation has developed a 'theory of change' document. This document provides a birds eye view of where we want to go and how we think we're getting there. Of course, as big believers in openness and innovation, this document evolves as we learn. Our plan is to open it up, tweak it and improve it at least once a year.

This is the current version that we are working with, produced in June 2008.

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