Digital Hero Book Project

The Digital Hero Book Project (DHBP) is a form of psychosocial support system (PSS) that enables youth to post their own stories online using information and communication technologies. This is a fun way for children to collaboratively create self-illustrated story books featuring stories about heroes which they come up with, while providing them with a platform for dealing with serious issues. The books submitted are presented on a community website for viewing.

A hero book is a low-cost, simple and effective form of psychosocial support and enables children to becomes authors, illustrators, main characters, or heroes and editors of a paper-based book that is designed to help them deal with life’s challenges. These books are then digitised and presented online. The creation of a digital hero books incorporates creativity, self expression, ICT skills and collaboration.

The DHBP project hosts workshops where learners get together and collaboratively create their own story books. By introducing ICTs that enable the youth-authors to digitise and publish their creations on a community-based website, participants gain valuable life and computer skills in the process. The website also powers a support network for hero book facilitators.

  • Example of a Digital Hero Book
  • Digital Hero Book Project blog site

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